The Trustees express deep thanks and gratitude to Noel Vallely and Glynn Phillips for their dedicated service to the important work of the Connexion. Noel and Glynn have reached the point of retirement from the Board of Trustees having collectively served the legacy of the Countess of Huntingdon for more than 28 years.
Noel has worked as a Trustee for 18 years, including service as Chairman for 12 years.
‘After a number of attempts, I was persuaded to become a Trustee in 2002. Dr Brian Baldwin was Chairman at that time, and I followed him into the Chair when he retired in 2008.
‘It has been my greatest privilege and blessing to visit our Connexion churches and see something of their life and worship. These have been years of new beginnings. Nearly every church experienced their minister leaving and new appointments made. It was a joy to watch each one as they settled in, grew in stature, and developed fruitful ministries.
‘Regulations around charities developed significantly during this time, and this led to greater adjustment, tighter controls and ultimately the highly significant move towards Connexion churches becoming Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) which in turn has drawn our ministers and Trustees towards a focus on mission and new, exciting ways of coming together, to concentrate more intently on networking, outreach and promotion of the Gospel in communities.
‘Much has changed, but what never changed are the friendships made, the life of faith, fellowship, prayer and sound bible teaching across Connexion churches. It was God’s gift and my pleasure to be a part of this progression.’
Glynn joined the Board of Trustees in 2009.
‘Some 10 years ago someone said to me: "Have you ever thought about…?” and it was not long before I became a Connexion Trustee. During the time thereafter, and through many conferences and visits to the churches, the ongoing list of tasks was never totally completed, but many friends were made.
‘Buildings became my speciality in the Trustee team and some "interesting projects" came along over those years - perhaps I could write a book on them! Trustee life has changed considerably during my time in office. We have seen the introduction of more regulation and with it a need for everyone to apply wisdom concerning Health and Safety. Perhaps my closing remark would be to continue to read the advice given to you and follow it through!’
We wish Noel and Glynn a very happy, healthy and peaceful retirement, and thank them on behalf of the entire Connexion Community for their exemplary service to our churches and the organisation as a whole.
Noel’s immense contribution to the Connexion will secure its future for years to come, maintaining its integrity as one fellowship, a movement of missional churches, while releasing individual churches to take full control of their legal structures and finances.
A very visible aspect of Glynn’s ministry was seen through his work on the legal and technical aspects of land and building management which has been a Godsend as so many of our churches have benefited from Glynn’s support and guidance on building development as well as maintenance issues.
We also pleased to announce that Trustee David Lockett, has been appointed as Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Trustees. We thank him for agreeing to take on this responsibility, which is supported by our encouragement and prayers.