What's New?

Drive in Carols!

In recognition that Christmas just isn't Christmas without a carol service, Wormley Free Church has joined forces with Hoddesdon and Broxbourne to create a Churches Together Drive in Carol service at Paradise Wildlife Park in Broxbourne.

Two services will be held on Sunday 20 December at 5.30pm and 7.30pm. There is a cost of £5 per car as a contribution to help to cover the costs.

For more details and to make a booking click on the link below. Wormley advise us that if you would like to attend speedy booking is recommended as tickets are selling fast.

Link: Information and booking: Drive in Carols



Connexion Church Christmas Services

Many of our churches, where possible, are planning carol services and Christmas Day celebrations.

In all cases places are limited due to Government social distancing guidelines, and attendance required to be registered in advance. We recommend that you visit your church's individual website for full details.


Alpha Online

Bolney Village Chapel is running an Online Alpha Course from Tuesday 29 September from 8pm to 9pm.

Alpha offers a chance to ask the big questions and explore the Christian faith in a non-pressurised environment.

The online course runs for 10 weeks on Tuesday evenings, concluding on Tuesday 1 December.

On Saturday 7 November the online group will also meet for an additional session from 10.30am to 1pm.

Each week a link will be sent out to you to watch a 25min video introducing that week's topic, together with a link to join the meeting via a Zoom call at 8pm for discussion and questions.

For further information, or to book your place on the course, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

UK Blessing

Over 65 churches and Christian organisations from different denominations came together online on May 3 to sing a blessing over the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The You Tube video has been widely circulated through social media and has so far received more than 1.4m viewings.

Individual recordings of singers and musicians were combined to create a six-minute video that is wonderfully moving.

It aims to bring hope and encouragement to people during this difficult time and concludes with the message: "Our buildings may be closed, but the Church is alive!"

Click here to view the UK Blessing video

uk blessing

Youth Reunion

The teenagers from our Connexion Community not only enjoy the Youth Conference, which takes place at High Leigh each year around Easter, they also have a chance to get together for a special reunion event over the autumn half-term weekend. 

This year’s reunion was held at Wormley Free Church and attended by young people from St Ives, Ely, Turner’s Hill, Wormley and Rosedale Community Church, Cheshunt.

The weekend encouraged the group to take time to reflect on topics relating to friendship and evangelism, combined with a programme of activities and fun. They played crazy golf, pitched their knowledge against the congregation at a Quiz Night, ate fish and chips, watched a pop-up-cinema screening of Jumanji, and led the Sunday morning church service.

Needless to say a good time was had by all and everyone is looking forward to meeting up again at the Easter Conference! (Dates for your diary: 14-16 April 2020.)

The image shows some group members at the crazy golf course, before the rain set in!

Reminder: Ministers' Gathering November

A reminder that the next Ministers’ Gathering will take place from Thursday 14 to Friday 15 November at High Leigh in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, which is also the venue for The Connexion Annual Conference.

Trustees will join Ministers from Connexion churches to meet together for 24 hours, in order to share information and pray for one another.

The retreat offers an excellent opportunity for our Connexion network to get to know each other better in the relaxed and beautiful setting at High Leigh. Providing valuable time for leaders to come together for worship, prayer and discussion, to deepen relationships and learn more about their individual churches.

Reminder: Youth Conference Reunion

A quick reminder that The Countess of Huntingdon’s Youth Conference Reunion is set to take place from Friday 25 to Sunday 27 October at Wormley Free Church, Slipe Lane, Wormley, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 6AA

The event is for all members of The Connexion community aged 13 to 18, providing an opportunity for our teenagers to get together for worship, friendship, food and fun.

Everybody is welcome. You can book a place through your own Connexion church or get in touch with Ben Quant at Wormley Free Church by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 01992 410217.

It promises to be a great event, so book your places now! 

Induction to the Ministry

St Stephen’s Church in Middleton, Manchester is delighted to announce the forthcoming Induction to the Ministry of Mark Robinson. The induction service will take place on Saturday 12 October at 2pm, followed by a reception in the schoolroom.

Mark is a Mancunian, born and bred. He lived in Hulme until he was four years old, before moving to one of the country’s most needy estates in Benchill. He came to the Christian faith as a young teenager when attending a Sunday School Camp.

For more than a decade in the 1990s, Mark worked as a ‘City Missionary’ with the Manchester City Mission going on to hold positions of Elder and Assistant Pastor with three churches.

Married for two years to Katie, who plays a vital role in the ministry at St Stephen’s Church, Mark has three daughters from a previous marriage as well as four lovely granddaughters.

Mark says, “I have found that God is working all things together for good even when going through tough times, including a divorce and a near-fatal illness. I have been the Pastor of St Stephens for a year now and Katie and I dearly love both its congregation and the wider population of Middleton.”

Ministers' Gathering at High Leigh

The next Ministers’ Gathering will take place from Thursday 14 to Friday 15 November at High Leigh in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, which is also the venue for The Connexion Annual Conference.

Trustees will join Ministers from Connexion churches to meet together for 24 hours, in order to share information and pray for one another.

The retreat offers an excellent opportunity for our Connexion network to get to know each other better in the relaxed and beautiful setting at High Leigh. Providing valuable time for leaders to come together for worship, prayer and discussion, to deepen relationships and learn more about their individual churches.

New Sunday Evening!

From August Wormley Free Church has launched a new event for Sunday evenings - entitled Sunday Evening!

"The doors open at 6pm. Guests walk into the welcoming noise of contemporary music in the background, a variety of refreshments being served, people milling around, catching up or playing games - last week we had table hockey, football and tennis out, it might be something else another time. A poster is on the desk on the way in for people to sign to say they were there (a guest poster rather than a guest book). Eddie wanders around saying hello and gathering items of news to share with everyone later. Half an hour or so later a countdown on the big screen reaches zero and folks gather in the main area.

The news is shared before we are led by the 'house band' in a 'karaoke' number, a well known song, which although not explicitly Christian resonates with the themes and stories of our faith, for example 'Stand by Me'. The collected news is shared, items of celebration, significant events, invitations to other activities, before one of us comes forward to talk. They might tell the tale of their coming to faith, or talk about what following Jesus means to them in their context today, the key is that it is personal, something experienced or felt rather than theoretical. 

This Sunday Bill talked of how the love of a local youth work, 'Young Life', impacted his life with a decorating flash mob, leading to him becoming a Christian, and what that means for him now he is serving in the army, seeking to demonstrate love to others himself. Rather than finishing with a prayer and walking away, they are invited to sit and a question and answer session begins, providing a chance to explore together what has been shared. This has proved very popular, deepening our engagement with what is being said and giving a higher opportunity for it to connect with those listening and their lives. A worship song is sung, and for those that want to 'hang out' for longer, their tarrying is welcome. 

At the moment 'Sunday Evening' is an experiment, who knows where it will take us, but we can see the potential in the format to do all sorts of things. We want to try and rethink the service so it resonates with the lives of non-church folk today, or those that are on our fringe, for whom the church environment is alien. By trying to develop more of a festival vibe, or magazine format, we hope that this will make an easier way in.

We are also very aware of the desire for authentic faith and relationships today, hence the focus on testimony and personal examples, in an attempt to create community and show-and-tell what happens when Jesus is at the heart of them. We've only just started, but the response has been very pleasing with a good number of non-church guests of all ages. We've still got a lot to learn and develop, but we can't help but feel that something exciting is happening."

Ben Quant

Wormley Free Church

What's on at Mortimer West End

Encounter Praise and Worship

Guy Willcock will be leading an Encounter Evening of Praise and Worship this evening, 14 August, at Mortimer West End Chapel with Daniel Crook, who is a gifted musician and anointed worship leader from Milton Keynes. 

The event provides a wonderful opportunity for The Chapel community to meet with God and join with one another in lifting up our voices to honour Jesus.

Power Up!

On Sunday 18 August Guy will be concluding his mini-series from 1 Samuel 30:1-6 entitled Power Up - When.

By focusing on the life of David, Guy will look at some practical tips to enable each of us to Power Up and strengthen ourselves in the Lord.

At the end of July, Guy began this series by looking at 'What we all have in common with King David and how the struggles he faced in his life are common to all of mankind'.

Click on the link below to hear a recording of Guy’s message:


Life Group Workshops

On Saturday 14 September Guy will also be leading us in a workshop on Life Groups. 

This is the third in our series of workshops, and the day will include the following topics:

Life groups - a biblical based definition
The purpose of groups
Group dynamics

With every blessing and love in Jesus

Mortimer West End Chapel

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