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Shoe Bag Delights!

Since the UK container of goods and donations arrived in Sierra Leone before Christmas, Magnus has been very busy distributing shoe bags to many delighted children.

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The Connexion and our communities in Sierra Leone send huge thanks to everyone who contributed to make this possible. The joy expressed on the children's faces makes the effort more than worthwhile!

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On Boxing Day, the children from Bethesda Orphanage were joined by university students for a day out at the beach. Everyone had a fabulous time, which included a lunchtime feast of chicken, provided for the occasion by Sierra Leone Mission (SLM).

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Pictured above, second from the left, is Mariatu, from Bethesda Orphanage, who is about to start her final university examinations in medical training as a nurse. Following the exams she will take up her final placement at a hospital in Freetown.

Another former Bethesda pupil, Abdul, who is pictured on the far right at the back, is also in his final year at university and he too will soon be facing examinations.

We are so proud of both Mariatu and Abdul for their diligence and achievements, which have taken them to places that would have been beyond their dreams before coming to Bethesda. We pray that they will both succeed in their exams and ask that the Lord will open doors for them as they complete their training and begin seeking employment.

SLM wish to extend sincere thanks for your ongoing prayers and support, without which none of this would be remotely possible.

Thank you!!