What's New?

Sierra Leone Appeal

Janet O'Shea, Chair of Sierra Leone Mission (SLM), makes a New Year appeal to those who have a heart for Sierra Leone.

SLM is mainly supported by The Connexion churches. We do receive donations from people outside of The Connexion, and these have often been very generous, but being part of The Connexion and its charity, we bear the responsibility of financially supporting  our communities in Sierra Leone.

We send funds to Sierra Leone monthly, usually totalling between £5000 and £6000. This covers grants for teachers, pastors, Bethesda Orphanage, our agents and caretakers. 

By God's grace these amounts have been sustainable, but only by a very small margin, and there is so much more needed and so much more we could do.

At the start of this new year, we make an appeal that could make a huge difference in 2025. We understand that many people here in the UK are struggling to cope with the cost of living, and that money is tight. But we also know that our situation pales by comparison to the poverty that exists in Sierra Leone and the deprivation experienced by so many.

Reading through Luke’s Gospel this advent and reaching Luke 16, Janet was challenged by verse 9: ‘Here’s the lesson. Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.’

In light of this, we ask if you would please consider making a monthly donation to the Sierra Leone Mission that has the potential to transform people's lives.  A small amount each month, perhaps £10, would make such a difference to the help that we can give. Of course larger donations would be gratefully received, and we guarantee 100% of the money will be sent to Sierra Leone.

We pray that God will go before this appeal to reach those who feel prompted to support.

Thank you!


SLM Donations

To set up a monthly standing order to Sierra Leone Mission, account details are below:

Barclays Bank

Sort code: 20-16-08, Account number: 30799076, Account name: Sierra Leone Mission 

Please be assured that all of your money will go to help Sierra Leone

Other Donations

If you would like to make a one-off donation to help SLM's work in Sierra Leone, just click on the Donations button, located at the top of each website page. Please also state if you would like your donation to go towards a particular project.

(NB We are very grateful to receive anonymous donations, but when making a bank transfer donation, the donor's name is needed for auditing purposes. Please be assured this information will remain private.)

Or send a cheque to 

Sierra Leone Mission. Postal address: Janet Foord, 2 Cheyne Close, Church Milton, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 2SQ