What's New?

Container on its way!

A Sierra Leone Mission (SLM) 40 ft container filled to the brim with items for our communities in Sierra Leone is on its way to Freetown!

What’s in the container?

Shoe bags for the children - estimated 2,370 bags.

Medical items - ranging from bandages to wheel chairs and everything in between for the Health Centre.

Personal - home made reusable sanitary towels for teenage girls.

Schools - boxes and boxes of school reading books.

Headteachers - boxes of tools to mend furniture in their schools.

Christian books - more boxes of text books for the library from the UK charity, Christian Books Worldwide.

Church furniture - chairs from a UK church, sent to one in Sierra Leone.

Villages - boxes of clothes and shoes for children and adults, to be distributed by Magnus.

Toys - boxes and boxes of toys for the children and also bigger toys for the nurseries, including ride on cars.

All in all it is a phenomenal shipment! 

Huge thanks are sent to everyone involved in making this possible.


Shipping costs

A shipment like this costs a lot of money – £8,500 to be precise.

SLM have received a donation of £50 from Horsham URC towards sending out the shoe bags and a bookshop in St.Ives has also raised money from a sale of bric a brac to assist with the expenses, but funds are low. SLM would welcome any further contributions – big or small – to help towards the cost of getting these items to the folk in Sierra Leone, and supporting so many of those in need.

Sierra Leone Donations

If you would like to make a donation, to help SLM's work in Sierra Leone, just click on the Donations button, located at the top of each website page. Please also state if you would like your donation to go towards a particular project.

Alternatively donate by Bank Transfer

Barclays Bank

Sort code: 20-16-08, Account number: 30799076, Account name: Sierra Leone Mission 

(NB We are very grateful to receive anonymous donations, but when making a bank transfer donation, the donor's name is needed for auditing purposes. Please be assured this information will remain private.)

Or send a cheque to 

Sierra Leone Mission. Postal address: Janet Foord, 2 Cheyne Close, Church Milton, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 2SQ