Helping the Street Children - Sierra Leone

The SLM committee were delighted to welcome Magnus – via zoom – to their monthly ‘catch up’ meeting last week, and hear directly from him about the work that SLM supports in Sierra Leone.
Street children
Magnus has a heartfelt concern for the thousands of street children in Sierra Leone, who he visits regularly with food, drinks and medical items. Over the past couple of years there has been a massive rise in drug taking among the children and in particular the drug ‘kush.’
Below is a YouTube clip explaining the real dangers of this drug, which is mixed with human bones. It is so addictive, users can become hooked after a single hit, then find themselves quickly trapped in a cycle of self-destruction
Magnus says that working with these children has become more dangerous as they are desperate for food.
Janet O’Shea, Chair of SLM, also witnessed this: ‘I have had the privilege of joining Magnus several times on previous visits to minister to the children and offer them food and drink. Sometimes the children are so hungry they can get boisterous; these children see no future for themselves, they have no hope.
'We praise and thank God for giving Magnus the vision for Bethesda Orphanage, a sanctuary for street children, which has enabled him to rescue many helpless boys and girls and provide a safe and loving environment, where they can thrive.
'We also offer thanks for the generosity of people who continue to support this amazing outreach. When God guides, God provides'.
During the meeting, Magnus also provided an update on the structural condition of several of our Connexion schools in Sierra Leone. SLM has been able to send money this month to treat five schools that were infested with termites.
The nursery at Mongeba is also expanding, but the building where the children meet is unsafe. Magnus is currently liaising with the villagers to encourage them to build better construction for the nursery.
At the end of our meeting Magnus was joined by the children of Bethesda. They had just finished their nightly devotions and sang to us a song about the greatness of Jehovah, Yahweh. Janet said, ‘It was a wonderful testament to hear these children singing, and a strong reminder of why we are part of the Sierra Leone Mission’.
Click on the YouTube recording below for a report about the drug 'kush'.
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Sierra Leone Mission. Postal address: Janet Foord, 2 Cheyne Close, Church Milton, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 2SQ