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Prayers for Sierra Leone - October

We would be grateful if you would join Amidu Koroma in prayer for the following requests.

Amidu's prayers for October

Firstly, we thank God for His goodness and for His grace that is sufficient for us. We confess all our sins to God, trusting in His mercy and forgiveness.

Please pray for God’s provisions over The Connexion in Sierra Leone. 

Please also pray that God will continue to direct and bless the leadership in Sierra Leone, especially Bishop Magnus Bendu for his timeless effort to develop The Connexion. 

We ask for you to pray for all of the people within the Connexion who are suffering from illness. 

We continue to pray for the economy in Sierra Leone and the current high cost of living.

We ask you to pray for the peace of the Lord to reign in the world at large.

We also pray for spiritual growth within The Connexion.

Please pray for the Sierra Leone Mission Chair, Janet O'Shea. May God continue to guide her and keep her safe..

We pray that God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will rest over The Connexion.

Please pray also for Christian Missionaries throughout the world who are suffering persecution. May God be with them.
