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Prayers for Sierra Leone - June

We would be grateful if you would join Magnus and the Sierra Leone Mission in prayer for the following requests.

Magnus' prayers for June

Sierra Leone's national elections are due be held on the 24 June 2023. Unfortunately, these elections can incite a lot of violence, some of which is already taking place. Please ask God for a peaceful ballot, that voters will be guided by Him and that leadership positions will be of God's choice.

Please pray for sickness among our elderly community. Mother Ombala and Mother Renikeh have ill health and Jobbie Williams, Elder at St Mark's, has diabetes. Christiana Braima of Manallo (widow of Rev George Braima) suffers from a cold, and Simeon John, of Ebenezer Church, has failing eyesight.

Please also pray for God's intervention in controlling the rains, to enable completion of the Sierra Leone Mission's new roofing at Mabang, Kabala and Mathoir.

Please pray against the recent typhoid outbreaks in many parts of the country, in particular Kamakontakay, which has reported many cases. Typhoid is a water borne disease and Kamakontakay does not have a water well in the entire village.

We also ask for prayer against the spread of radical Islamism in West Africa, especially Sierra Leone. Many Muslim evangelists have been coming to the country, bearing material items as an attempt to influence people. The Church is aware of the situation and considering how to respond. Please ask for God's direction as the Church prays and plans its response. 

Our Connexion women will be meeting in July for training in how best to communicate with Muslims. Please pray that their training sessions will be fruitful, leading them to transform the lives of other women. 

We pray together for peace in Sudan and for a peaceful resolution of the recent crisis in Senegal. 

We thank God for victory over Covid, Ebola and other diseases. We also thank God for the effort made in developing a Malaria vaccine. 

We praise God for helping Governments to deal with the looming world economic crisis. We pray that Africa and Sierra Leone will be able to reverse the problem of price increases and the economic suffering of so many people.

Thank you for continuing to support the Sierra Leone Mission and our communities.