Sierra Leone Update
Looking forward to the Annual Conference, from 24 – 26 October, it will be great to share news and pictures about the work we are involved with in Sierra Leone. We also hope to have a live link with Magnus and Daniel, which will be very special. I hope you are able to join us.
Abdul is coming to the end of his first year at University, and he is currently taking his second semester exams, about which he is feeling very confident. From 30 September, he will be able to take a break until November, after which he will return to Bethesda. Unlike British students, he has not had the benefit of a long summer holiday.
Mariatu is also continuing with her studies, and following the same pattern as Abdul, looking forward to returning to Bethesda in November. We feel sure all of the children at Bethesda will be delighted to welcome them both back to their family.
Health Centre and Medical Equipment
Magnus is still hoping for an October opening for the new Health Centre. However, he is experiencing some difficulty in accessing certain equipment needed. The specific items he is seeking are listed below. We pray that with God’s will people from our Connexion Community may be able to locate, buy or donate one or more of these items, which could then be shipped out to Sierra Leone in October with the annual shoe bags.
Medical and Laboratory Equipment Needed
- Haematology analyser (for complete blood count(CBC) or Full blood count (FBC))
- Hemocue machine and cuvette
- Blood sugar machine (accucheck)
- Microscope
- Centrifuge
- Water bath
- Thermometer for fridge and water bath
- Biochemistry analyser
- Timer
- Tally counter
- Incubator
- Reagent fridge (2-8°c)
Further Request from Magnus
We’d also like to share another request from Magnus, as this may well speak to one of our friends or members of The Connexion Churches:
‘I am really praying for someone with a Missionary mind to serve as Administrator for the Health Centre, either in Sierra Leone or from the UK. It could be someone with medical or no medical background; although the former is best. It could be someone who is retired and want to serve as a volunteer Missionary or the like.
I am really praying for a very honest and committed person with a vision or mission to serve God through this means. Finding such people who will not want to charge huge salary is a big issue for me, but I am hopeful; if we can have someone from the UK to help for just a year, that will be great.
The scenario I have been praying for is to have a Medical/Missionary person from UK who will come and serve for a year and mentor a Sierra Leonean. But this is my thought. God's thoughts are what matters and His ways are ours. We are asking Him and He has promised to give when we ask. He has always been faithful on His part’.
What an opportunity and brilliant experience this could be for someone blessed by God to take on this role!
Janet O’Shea, Chair of SLM, adds: ‘I’ve been on the Sierra Leone Committee now for ten years and I can honestly say that I have witnessed God at work in a way that I have never experienced before. He is still working His purposes out and we are privileged to be part of them!’
If you would like to make a donation, to help SLM's work in Sierra Leone, just click on the Donations button, located at the top of each website page. Please also state if you would like your donation to go towards a particular project.
Alternatively donate by Bank Transfer:
Barclays Bank
Sort code: 20-16-08, Account number: 30799076, Account name: Sierra Leone Mission
(NB We are very grateful to receive anonymous donations, but when making a bank transfer donation, the donor's name is needed for auditing purposes. Please be assured this information will remain private.)
Or send a cheque to:
Sierra Leone Mission. Postal address: Janet Foord, 2 Cheyne Close, Church Milton, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 2SQ
Thank you!