Coup d'etat Guinea

Please pray for our communities in Sierra Leone, following Sunday’s coup d’etat in Guinea.
Coup leader and head of special forces, Col Mamady Doumbouya announced on Sunday evening that the government has been dissolved, the border closed and a 24 hour curfew imposed. The Guinea president, 83 year old Alpha Conde, is currently being held in military detention.
As a ‘sister’ country to Guinea, the closed border could have a negative impact on the economy of Sierra Leone. The unrest, which follows political upheaval in Chad and Mali, has also heightened fears for other vulnerable states in West Africa.
Magnus Bendu says: ‘The coup d’etat will have some effect on Sierra Leone business generally, and for politicians also psychologically. It has not yet been evidenced as we go about our normal business. But there is fear that if a similar thing happens here it will be a different ball game altogether as our democracy is far stronger in Sierra Leone. Please pray that such a thing will not happen in Sierra Leone as it will take us far back to our very bad history. Thank you so much for your prayers’.
Click here to read a report published in The Guardian, Monday 6 September
Image of Col Mamady Doumbouya was sourced from The Sierra Leone Telegraph