Foofoo Water School
Foofoo Water School is in urgent need of funds for enlargement. The school is currently bursting at the seams, with 340 children attending.
The Sierra Leone Mission (SLM) supported the original construction of the school, but with ongoing projects requiring additional funding, the folk in Sierra Leone have come together to build a new extension themselves.
Three years ago they started to build three additional classrooms, by raising the funds locally, and they have now finished the walls using mud blocks and cement mortar. To finish the project they need to buy twelve bundles of CI sheets.
Magnus Bendu says: ‘This is the big giant standing in our way’.
The amount needed to complete the extension building is £875. This would represent a massive contribution in terms of improving education facilities for the children and reducing the pressure on teachers.
Please pray with us that the necessary money will be raised to complete the project.
How to make a donation
Click on the Donations button at the top of the website page. This will take you through to the SLM donations account. If you would like your donation to go to a particular project, please state.
You can give by Bank Transfer to:
Sort code: 20-16-08, Account number: 30799076, Account name: Sierra Leone Mission
If you would prefer, please send a cheque to:
Janet Foord, 2 Cheyne Close, Church Milton Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 2SQ
Every pound given, goes to support our brothers and sisters in Sierra Leone.