What's New?

Sierra Leone Building Works

Sierra Leone Mission (SLM) would like to say a huge thank you to all of those who supported a funding appeal at the Conference for new toilets at Bethesda Orphanage. This has enabled work to be carried out at the end of last year, in time for Christmas. Amazing!

Over the past couple of years SLM has started to address issues concerning the school buildings in Sierra Leone. New buildings erected by the local communities have needed roofs, windows, verandas, ceilings and paintwork. Five schools needed to be cleared of termites and one school collapsed just after a new structure was completed. To date nine schools have been improved and another new school has been constructed

The work we do is only possible with the receipt of donations and we are very grateful to the people who support us in our endeavour to improve the lives of so many children in Sierra Leone.


Projects for 2025

The school at Foo Foo Water is now showing signs of collapse. The local community came together to build a three-classroom block last year, which was completed by SLM in the summer. But whilst this construction was much needed, it unfortunately, isn't large enough to accommodate all of the children who now attend Foo Foo. Hence, our next project is to construct a new school building on adjacent land, as we did at Tombo.

To achieve this aim we prayerfully ask our supporters to consider whether they might be able to help.

In addition, the school at Mongegba needs help to improve and repair their nursery structure, which is far from adequate. The Sunday School at Goring Free Church has been raising money for this cause, but more funds will be needed.

The number of children attending our schools has escalated over the past few years. This is an excellent response to Christian outreach, but the expansion is also proving to be a challenge.

SLM Donations

All donations, big and small, are hugely appreciated and enable us to vastly improve the lives of our communities in Sierra Leone.

To set up a monthly standing order to Sierra Leone Mission, account details are below:

Barclays Bank

Sort code: 20-16-08, Account number: 30799076, Account name: Sierra Leone Mission 

Please be assured that all of your money will go to help Sierra Leone

Other Donations

If you would like to make a one-off donation to help SLM's work in Sierra Leone, just click on the Donations button, located at the top of each website page. Please also state if you would like your donation to go towards a particular project.

(NB We are very grateful to receive anonymous donations, but when making a bank transfer donation, the donor's name is needed for auditing purposes. Please be assured this information will remain private.)

Or send a cheque to 

Sierra Leone Mission. Postal address: Janet Foord, 2 Cheyne Close, Church Milton, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 2SQ


Prayers for Sierra Leone - February

Please join Rev Amidu Koroma in prayer requests for February in Sierra Leone.

We bless the name of Jesus during this month of February 2025 (Psalm 103:1-5) and we humble ourselves before you Lord, for your mercy and forgiveness each day.

Please pray for all our sponsors in the UK. May God continue to bless them in Jesus mighty name.

Please also pray for all our teachers and pastors, and their sacrifice to teach and preach the gospel in Sierra Leone.

We join in prayer for The Connexion in the UK, and for 'Aunty' Janet O’Shea and her team, who continue to work very hard to promote God’s vineyard.

Please also pray for our leadership in Sierra Leone, in particular Bishop Magnus Bendu. We ask God to continue to bless and protect him in Jesus mighty name.

We pray too for those who suffer for their preaching of the Gospel, especially those Missionaries in the Middle East, O Lord guide and strengthen them.

Please pray for all of our properties, our schools, land, buildings and churches. We ask that they will be blessed and protected.

We also pray for an incredible increase in our church membership this year.

Finally, we ask God to bless our forthcoming Annual Conference, which takes place from 14 to 16 February. We pray for a fruitful meeting, where we can all come together in fellowship.

We thank you, Father God for your answers, in the Holy name of Jesus.


Shoe Bag Delights!

Since the UK container of goods and donations arrived in Sierra Leone before Christmas, Magnus has been very busy distributing shoe bags to many delighted children.

shoebags2024 mabang church

The Connexion and our communities in Sierra Leone send huge thanks to everyone who contributed to make this possible. The joy expressed on the children's faces makes the effort more than worthwhile!

shoe bags2024 1

shoe bags2024 2

On Boxing Day, the children from Bethesda Orphanage were joined by university students for a day out at the beach. Everyone had a fabulous time, which included a lunchtime feast of chicken, provided for the occasion by Sierra Leone Mission (SLM).

bethesda beach xmas2024

Pictured above, second from the left, is Mariatu, from Bethesda Orphanage, who is about to start her final university examinations in medical training as a nurse. Following the exams she will take up her final placement at a hospital in Freetown.

Another former Bethesda pupil, Abdul, who is pictured on the far right at the back, is also in his final year at university and he too will soon be facing examinations.

We are so proud of both Mariatu and Abdul for their diligence and achievements, which have taken them to places that would have been beyond their dreams before coming to Bethesda. We pray that they will both succeed in their exams and ask that the Lord will open doors for them as they complete their training and begin seeking employment.

SLM wish to extend sincere thanks for your ongoing prayers and support, without which none of this would be remotely possible.

Thank you!!

Prayers for Sierra Leone - January

Please join Rev Amidu Koroma in prayer for Sierra Leone during January.

Firstly, we give thanks to the Lord for our Sierra Leone Connexion Pastors. Please pray for them as they seek to plant more churches this year.

We praise God, from whom all blessings flow, for this new year, 2025. 

Please pray for The Connexion in Sierra Leone and our UK partners. We ask for you bestow blessings on them in Jesus' mighty name.

We continue to pray for our Leadership: Janet O’Shea in the UK and Bishop Magnus Bendu in Sierra Leone. Please guide and strengthen them to continue their work in your name.

Please pray also for all of our pastors and teachers, as they spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We pray for all our Connexion Churches in UK and in Sierra Leone. 

Please pray for those who are sick and ask for the Lord's healing power (Isaiah 53:5).

We ask the Lord to continue to promote The Connexion in Sierra Leone. We pray that through evangelism, we will be able to plant churches in every district of Sierra Leone.

Please continue to pray for all those who suffer for the Gospel, especially the Missionaries in the Middle East. O Lord, please grant them your peace and courage.

We thank you Almighty God for answering our prayers (Matthew 7:7).

We wish our Connexion communities a very Happy New Year and pray that 2025 will be a fruitful year under the guidance of our Almighty God.


Sierra Leone Appeal

Janet O'Shea, Chair of Sierra Leone Mission (SLM), makes a New Year appeal to those who have a heart for Sierra Leone.

SLM is mainly supported by The Connexion churches. We do receive donations from people outside of The Connexion, and these have often been very generous, but being part of The Connexion and its charity, we bear the responsibility of financially supporting  our communities in Sierra Leone.

We send funds to Sierra Leone monthly, usually totalling between £5000 and £6000. This covers grants for teachers, pastors, Bethesda Orphanage, our agents and caretakers. 

By God's grace these amounts have been sustainable, but only by a very small margin, and there is so much more needed and so much more we could do.

At the start of this new year, we make an appeal that could make a huge difference in 2025. We understand that many people here in the UK are struggling to cope with the cost of living, and that money is tight. But we also know that our situation pales by comparison to the poverty that exists in Sierra Leone and the deprivation experienced by so many.

Reading through Luke’s Gospel this advent and reaching Luke 16, Janet was challenged by verse 9: ‘Here’s the lesson. Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.’

In light of this, we ask if you would please consider making a monthly donation to the Sierra Leone Mission that has the potential to transform people's lives.  A small amount each month, perhaps £10, would make such a difference to the help that we can give. Of course larger donations would be gratefully received, and we guarantee 100% of the money will be sent to Sierra Leone.

We pray that God will go before this appeal to reach those who feel prompted to support.

Thank you!


SLM Donations

To set up a monthly standing order to Sierra Leone Mission, account details are below:

Barclays Bank

Sort code: 20-16-08, Account number: 30799076, Account name: Sierra Leone Mission 

Please be assured that all of your money will go to help Sierra Leone

Other Donations

If you would like to make a one-off donation to help SLM's work in Sierra Leone, just click on the Donations button, located at the top of each website page. Please also state if you would like your donation to go towards a particular project.

(NB We are very grateful to receive anonymous donations, but when making a bank transfer donation, the donor's name is needed for auditing purposes. Please be assured this information will remain private.)

Or send a cheque to 

Sierra Leone Mission. Postal address: Janet Foord, 2 Cheyne Close, Church Milton, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 2SQ




Prayers for Sierra Leone - December 2024

Please join Rev Amidu Koroma in prayer for our communities in Sierra Leone during December

The December 2024 shoe bag distribution has begun, which is always accompanied by great joy. We send great thanks to everyone who donated and helped to make up the bags.

We also thank God for this glorious month of December. Lord, we ask for your mercy and forgiveness. Please pardon us from all unrighteousness. (1John 1:9)

We praise God from whom all blessings flow, for the life of our leadership in Sierra Leone, especially Bishop Magnus Bendu, for his good leadership character. We pray that God continues to strengthen him in Jesus mighty name.

We also pray for our leadership in the United Kingdom, especially for 'Aunty' Janet O’Shea. We ask God to continue to direct, bless and protect her.

Please pray for our country Sierra Leone, the president and all cabinet ministers. We ask that the good Lord will continue to direct them.

Please also pray for all our teachers and pastors, for their sacrifice to teach and preach the word of God.

We remember faithful missionaries preaching the good news, especially those in the Middle East.

We pray that the Lord will continue to help our churches in Sierra Leone to grow and expand our vision to reach out to all districts. 

We also pray for our sponsors in the UK. May God bless them.

Finally we ask for prayer for the families of Rachel Dove and Theophilus Bindi who have recently passed away and gone home to be with our Lord.

We thank God for answering our prayers. Amen.

Happy Christmas to you all from Sierra Leone.

Container Arrived!

The shipment of the Sierra Leone Mission (SLM) container arrived at Freeport in good time,
early in November. However, its arrival at Bethesda was delayed by a puncture and
failure of the air brakes.

unload container

After several hours of deliberation, it was decided to unload and reload the goods into
two lorries, plus eight cars of medical supplies heading for the Health Centre.

bethesda lorry

medical supplies 2024

As well as books, toys, clothes, furniture, personal and medical items, this year's container
also included 2300 shoe bags! SLM send huge thanks to all of the UK volunteers and
their hard work for producing them. 

shoebags 2024

Some of our schools are in villages that are five hours distant from Bethesda, but Magnus
guarantees that every shoe bag will go into the hands of a child - and they are so gratefully
appreciated. One little girl said it was her best gift ever!


Prayers for Sierra Leone - November 2024

Please join Rev Amidu during November with the following prayer requests for Sierra Leone.

We thank God for this month of November 2024.

We pray for all of our teachers and pastors, for their dedication in preaching and teaching the Word of God.

Please join us in prayer for the Gospel to reach to the borders of Sierra Leone.

We pray for our leadership and the team in the UK, especially for 'Aunty' Janet O’Shea. We ask that God will continue to guide and keep them safe.

Please pray for our dynamic leader, who is working very hard to develop The Connexion in Sierra Leone, Bishop Magnus Bendu. We ask that God will continue to strengthen him in Jesus mighty name. 

We also pray for the body of Christ in Sierra Leone, and that God will continue to unite us together.

Please pray for all of our sponsors in the UK. May God bless each of them.

We pray for the entire membership of the Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion, Sierra Leone. May God bless them all.


Finally. we pray for our economy in Sierra Leone. May God continue to heal our land in Jesus’ name.

Thank God for answering our prayers.

We pray with Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd…

In Jesus name, Amen

Prayers for Sierra Leone - October 2024

Please join Rev Amidu in prayer during October for the following requests.

We thank God for this blessed month of October, and ask Father God for his mercy. ‘Be merciful to me for I cry to you daily.’ Psalm 86:3.

Mighty God, we pray for your protection over the life of our UK Chairman of SLM, Janet O’Shea and our friends and family in UK.

Please pray for our leader in Sierra Leone, Bishop Magnus Bendu. We ask that God continues to strengthen him and his work for The Connexion.

We pray for all pastors and teachers in Connexion, who are working very hard to teach and preach. May God continue to bless them in Jesus mighty name.

Please also pray for the Gospel to reach the unreached, through evangelism in Sierra Leone.

Father God we pray for our country, Sierra Leone, asking that you will continue to give us peace.

We also pray for God to heal the economy in Sierra Leone and the current high cost of living.

We pray that God will continue to strengthen our relationship with the Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion in the UK.

Finally we pray for our churches, children’s ministry, youth fellowship, women’s fellowship and men’s fellowship. Asking God to continue bringing love and unity to The Connexion in Sierra Leone.

We thank you, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for answering our prayers.


Container on its way!

A Sierra Leone Mission (SLM) 40 ft container filled to the brim with items for our communities in Sierra Leone is on its way to Freetown!

What’s in the container?

Shoe bags for the children - estimated 2,370 bags.

Medical items - ranging from bandages to wheel chairs and everything in between for the Health Centre.

Personal - home made reusable sanitary towels for teenage girls.

Schools - boxes and boxes of school reading books.

Headteachers - boxes of tools to mend furniture in their schools.

Christian books - more boxes of text books for the library from the UK charity, Christian Books Worldwide.

Church furniture - chairs from a UK church, sent to one in Sierra Leone.

Villages - boxes of clothes and shoes for children and adults, to be distributed by Magnus.

Toys - boxes and boxes of toys for the children and also bigger toys for the nurseries, including ride on cars.

All in all it is a phenomenal shipment! 

Huge thanks are sent to everyone involved in making this possible.


Shipping costs

A shipment like this costs a lot of money – £8,500 to be precise.

SLM have received a donation of £50 from Horsham URC towards sending out the shoe bags and a bookshop in St.Ives has also raised money from a sale of bric a brac to assist with the expenses, but funds are low. SLM would welcome any further contributions – big or small – to help towards the cost of getting these items to the folk in Sierra Leone, and supporting so many of those in need.

Sierra Leone Donations

If you would like to make a donation, to help SLM's work in Sierra Leone, just click on the Donations button, located at the top of each website page. Please also state if you would like your donation to go towards a particular project.

Alternatively donate by Bank Transfer

Barclays Bank

Sort code: 20-16-08, Account number: 30799076, Account name: Sierra Leone Mission 

(NB We are very grateful to receive anonymous donations, but when making a bank transfer donation, the donor's name is needed for auditing purposes. Please be assured this information will remain private.)

Or send a cheque to 

Sierra Leone Mission. Postal address: Janet Foord, 2 Cheyne Close, Church Milton, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 2SQ




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