What's New?

Matthew Mouse

Cindy is the illustrator and creator of Matthew Mouse Bible Stories. She decided in the first Lockdown in March 2020 to use her passion for children's illustrations and create physical letters containing bible stories, which were posted out to children by a cute little mouse. Since starting the initiative, the popularity for Matthew Mouse and his stories has grown significantly, and the letters are now also shared digitally so that they can be shared across the world.

Read Cindy’s story below about the creation of Matthew Mouse:

'Matthew Mouse is a little mouse that found out quite by chance, he can hop through the pages of the bible, meeting interesting people and seeing amazing events right before his own eyes. He then writes a letter and gets me to illustrate them, so that he can post them monthly to young children and some that are just young at heart, telling them the bible stories from his perspective. 

I created Matthew Mouse in our first Covid Lockdown, because I realised that there were children who were not attending Sunday School each week, and they battled to engage in the zoom church that had replaced it, and were missing out. I also chose to write about the stories in the bible because my husband, who helps with Sunday School, and I had noticed that many of the young people don't know the actual stories from the bible. I thought this would be a fun creative way of filling that gap for them. 

The letters

I started with a physical subscription of one a month that sent out illustrated envelopes addressed to the child, and inside is a letter that I illustrate on both sides. I also include little gifts in each letter that normally connect to the story of the month. Matthew Mouse, however, has grown from this. Originally I would pray and ask for direction on what story to tell next, then I read the story in the bible from three different editions, A children’s bible, the NIV and the Message. I then also have two research books to help with traditions and other background information on each story. My aim is to make each story as accurate as possible, but still keep it fun and engaging. I also deliberately stay away from church language in the stories, so that if a child or someone with no church connection, can read it and understand it. I also tell the story from Matthew's perspective of just being there and witnessing the event. So there is no emphasis on a moral to the story or any religious or specific doctrine. This is left for the individual reading it to add if they choose to. 

The stories

I was originally going to have Matthew Mouse hop between the new and old testament telling his stories, but I soon realised that this would become confusing for Children, having Jesus in one story and not in another. So it has changed and I have concentrated on Old Testament stories this year, with the exception one one or two New Testament stories I had already sent out. Next year 2022 my plan is to only tell the story of Jesus for the year and in a fairly understandable order of events. My plan is to then turn these stories into two books or letter packs later.

Children overseas

I also have a heart for children and young people that don't have access to these letters. I originally come from South Africa and I wanted to share them further than just the UK. I decided to start with our own home church in Ely, and our connected church in Sierra Leone. I decided to send out the same letters, each addressed to the individual young person at Bethesda and I sent them to Bishop Magnus to distribute. It took a long time for the letters to arrive but it was so worth it. He sent me photos of everyone with their letters, and then they all sent back letters of thanks to Matthew Mouse. This, along with the contact that was helping me in the UK, saying that these young people have most likely never received a letter addressed to just them, brought a rather large lump to my throat. I have also had two of these young people sponsored by older church members here in the UK, to help with some of the printing and postage costs. The next set of letters have been sent, and we hope they arrive faster than last time. 

Originally, I had only had a physical letter subscription option in the UK, but I have decided to offer the letters as digital downloads now. This opens up the whole world to receive Matthew’s letters. I have  had adults ask for subscriptions as gifts for children and I have quite a few older people subscribed so that they can enjoy getting a letter through the post from Matthew. All of these things help me to continue writing, illustrating, printing and sending out letters, but more importantly it helps to retell the stories of the bible and spread God’s word in a new and exciting way to young and old all over the world. I am also learning so much about the bible that I thought I already knew. 

My hopes and prayers for Matthew Mouse, is that it spreads far and wide and becomes something too big for me to do from my little home printer!'

Cindy (and Matthew Mouse)

To visit Matthew Mouse's website and learn more about receiving his letters, click on the link below.

Matthew Mouse Bible Stories

Church Services

Our Connexion churches were delighted to welcome people back into their church buildings over the past months. However, a number of churches are continuing to stream Sunday services and sermons online, which can be accessed by the whole Connexion community.

This initiative has been particularly appealing for those who prefer not to venture out to public places, particularly during this current period of the pandemic.  

Check out the links below to join in:

Streamed Sunday Services

Podcasts of Sermons 

Carol Service

Wormley Free Church also recorded their annual Carols by Glowsticks Service, which is available on YouTube:




Christmas Services Online

Our Connexion churches have been delighted to welcome people back into their church buildings over the past months. However, a number of churches are continuing to stream Sunday services and sermons online, which can be accessed by the whole Connexion community.

This initiative has been particularly appealing for those who would still prefer not to venture out to public places - or have appreciated being part of other Connexion churches within the group!

Throughout Advent and over the Christmas period, we invite you to check out the links below to enable you and your friends and family join in.

Streamed Sunday Services

  • Wormley Free Church continue to stream Virtual Church recordings including their Carol Service on their website: www.wormleyfreechurch.org.uk
  • Rosedale Community Church posts Sunday messages every week on their YouTube page: Rosedale Community Church
  • Bolney Village Chapel is streaming Sunday services on their Facebook page. They begin at 10.30am: Bolney Village Chapel
  • South Street Free Church, Eastbourne, stream their Sunday services, which are also posted on YouTube:South Street Free Church
  • Access is still available to The Lockdown Band website, which features songs, video and audio recordings. Link: www.wormleylockdownband.com

Podcasts of Sermons 





Wormley Lockdown Band

Wormley Lockdown Band was set up by a group of musicians from Wormley Free Church.

They started producing their own versions of popular worship songs and hymns for Wormley's services during the three lockdown periods, when people were unable to physically attend church.

Click on the website link below to watch videos of worship songs and hymns. The selection includes: The Cross Has Said It All, The Stand, featuring Helen Duller, Be Though My Vision, The Greatest Day in History (Jesus is Alive!), Let Everything That Has Breath, Who is There Like You, 10,000 Reasons, The Lord's my Shepherd, Waymaker - and more.


Wormley Lockdown Band



Harvest Festival

Churches all over the country have been celebrating the Harvest Festival this week. 

It is one of the oldest and traditional British Festivals taking place around the time of the Harvest Moon - a full moon that appears closest to the autumn equinox. In 2021 this took place on Sunday 3 October.

British harvest celebrations date back to the pagans giving thanks for the successful gathering of crops. And in 1621 English settlers, known as the “Pilgrims”, took the idea of Thanksgiving to North America, which has continued to be celebrated every year.

Church Harvest Festival services, as we know them today, gained popularity in Victorian times, giving parishioners an opportunity to thank God for his generosity of provision and encouraging people to share their bounty with others. 

Our Connexion churches are delighted to welcome people back into the church buildings, but many of the churches are still streaming services online. so they can be accessed and shared throughout the UK.




Pumpkin Photo by Kerstin Wrbaon (Unsplash)



Check the list below of available links to streamed services enable you to join in.

A number of churches also post Podcasts of sermons from Sunday services on their websites. These include:


New trustees

Our trustees do an amazing job in supporting our churches and continuing the Countess's legacy.

The Board currently has five members: David Lockett (Chair), Simon Allaby, Ben Quant, Bethany Green and Graham Squibbs, who handles all the finances. Following the retirement of three trustees, the number is down to the bare minimum. This should ideally be eight - or more. Hence, The Connexion is looking to recruit new people to join the team.

What's involved

The trustees attend four 'formal' meetings a year, at an agreed location, and keep in touch by email, phone and zoom. Limited resources are available, but the key focus is to help our churches to thrive - enabling them to share the Gospel of Jesus with their communities.

Each of the trustees attends one of our Connexion churches and, as with our ministers, they accept The Connexion’s Articles of Faith.

No formal qualifications are necessary, other than a desire to love and follow Jesus. Being a trustee is a voluntary position and the amount of work you contribute depends entirely on your personal circumstances.  

Our History

The Connexion evolved in the 18th Century from the dedication of one remarkable woman, Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon. She used her resources to build churches and train preachers who could spread the Gospel as far and wide as possible. The Countess was highly respected by people from every ‘level’ of society, from royalty to slavery. She possessed great courage and used it to challenge and break the rules of what was an intensely patriarchal and prejudiced social system.

Celebrated advocates of the Methodist Revival, John Wesley, Charles Wesley and George Whitfield were among her friends and confidantes, alongside whom Selina committed her life to spreading the love and mission of Jesus. 

Our Churches and Sierra Leone

The Connexion has 22 churches, spread across the UK from Cornwall to Manchester, Gloucestershire to Kent. Because The Connexion does not govern with strict doctrinal codes, every church is blessed with its own distinct personality, which add to a richness of the whole. All of the churches are bound by a shared love of Jesus, and a strong desire to follow him and make disciples of others. The Connexion also has very strong links with churches and communities in Sierra Leone, continuing the legacy from the Countess.

The Connexion Today

The Connexion today is a strong family community with a shared intention to continue and build on the Countess's faith and achievements. Our members forge deep and often lifelong relationships between entire families that may span several generations. And this emphasis on genuine friendship and caring becomes all apparent when there is a chance for the whole community to meet at the annual Conference (this year 25-27 October). Our aims to 'welcome, network and support' are deeply embedded in The Connexion culture.

Apply Now

To apply to be a Trustee - or simply to find out more - please email David Lockett at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or if it's easier, contact any of our trustees or church leaders.

It would be wonderful to be able to announce our new trustees at the Conference in October. The team looks forward to welcoming you on board!

Cosy cabin with built-in BBQ!

The Chapel in Mortimer West End has completed the build of a beautiful Finnish Kota in their wooded grounds. 

The Kota is a spacious hexagonal timber cabin, with built-in seating surrounding a central barbeque and chimney flue that rises up through the domed roof. 

The cabin’s size, layout and cosy feel make it the perfect place for people to come together in all weathers. Not only does it look great, it is highly practical, providing a warm, snug refuge in the winter and welcome shade in the summer.  

The aim is to use the Kota for gatherings and events for young people, and hosting small group meetings and adult outreach sessions. 

It promises to be a very useful asset for the Chapel, offering an attractive, unusual and atmospheric setting for church members and people from local communities to enjoy. Lovely!


kota interior



Streamed Services

With the lifting of the majority of legal restrictions from 19 July, churches across the country are now able to open their doors more fully.

However, safety remains of key importance to our Connexion churches, and we are aware that many people may still feel more comfortable accessing Sunday services from their living rooms, rather than venturing out. 

A number of our churches are continuing to stream online services and messages featuring worship, prayers, bible readings and more. There is a variety of Sunday services to choose from each week.

It has been a highly successful initiative that has really helped to keep our communities in touch with each other - and and enabled members to make new connections and friendships.

Choose from the list below of regular online services that are available to all. Please feel free to share with family and friends who may also like to join in!

Streamed church services

  • The Lockdown Band website features songs, video and audio recordings. Link: www.wormleylockdownband.com
  • Copthorne Chapel posts Sunday services on their website. Link: www.copthornechapel.org.uk
  • Wormley Free Church posts Sunday services each week, which can be accessed though their website. The services are followed by a Zoom get-together for a virtual cup of coffee and a chat. Link: www.wormleyfreechurch.org.uk
  • Rosedale Community Church has a selection of Sunday messages available on their YouTube page. Link: Rosedale Community Church
  • Bolney Village Chapel has been streaming Sunday services on their Facebook page. Each service begins at 10.30am, running for approximately 45 mins. The services include worship, bible readings and teaching. Link: Bolney Village Chapel
  • South Street Free Church has also been posting Sunday services on their YouTube page, including bible readings, hymns, songs and sermons. Link: South Street Free Church
  • Goring Free Church streams a Sunday video recording on their YouTube page each week, with a playlist of worship songs to accompany sermons. Link: Goring Free Church
  • The Countess Free Church, Elyhave Livestreams of their whole church zoom gatherings, which occur roughly fortnightly on YouTube at Countess Free Church. They also create weekly messages that are available via their podcasts; to access these, go to their website: www.countessely.co.uk 


50 Miles of the Pennine Way

To celebrate her 18th Birthday, Esther is hiking 50 miles of the Pennine Way, beginning 27 July 2021 to raise funds for the Sierra Leone Mission (SLM). 

These funds will go towards supporting the schools, orphanage and churches of The Connexion in Sierra Leone.

The idea came to Esther during Lockdown. The schools were closed and because she would have been taking her GCSE exams, she had no online classes to attend. To fill the time that had suddenly become available, Esther decided to go out walking and enjoy the benefits of the rural woodlands close to her home. In doing so, she discovered a 15 mile walk that took her all around the woods – quite a bit of space to get potentially get lost in! 

Over the year, walking regularly, she became very comfortable hiking through the trees, and this led to an idea for what she might like to do for her upcoming 18th birthday.

Sharing the idea with her mum Bethany, Minister of Rosedale Church, they decided on a three-day walk in the Pennines from 27 to 29 July, where they will be hiking 50 miles of the Pennine Way to raise money for the SLM.

Needless to say, the SLM are delighted with Esther's initiative. With all of the amazing projects that are going on, in conjunction with Magnus Bendu, the vision for outreach in Sierra Leone is growing and growing.

Esther hopes that by making her hike a fundraising event, this will enable the SLM to continue providing support to more of our communities in Sierra Leone, which is so badly needed.

Esther says: ‘It will be challenging - especially if mum doesn’t start training soon! - but we love walking and we love the SLM, so what better thing to do than put two and two together and raise all the money we can! We really hope you will choose to support the SLM and everything we are doing in Sierra Leone - and will cheer us on as we walk the 50 miles!’

To Donate

If you would be willing to donate to Esther’s fundraising hike, this can be done through a Stewardship account that has been set up specifically. Donating with Stewardship is really easy and completely secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give. The closing date for donations will be 25 September 2021.

Visit the Stewardship fundraising page: Donate to 50 Miles of the Pennine Way

Alternatively, you can donate to the Sierra Leone Mission at any time via our Donations page on The Connexion website.

A huge thank you for your support from Esther and the SLM!

Sheppey Church - Beginnings

Brenda Riddle takes us back to the beginnings of Sheppey Evangelical Church.

Do you ever wonder who built your church and what prompted them - and why choose the site that it stands on?  For some of us it's an easy question to answer. Peter and I were there at its inception.

A little over 35 years ago God brought together a group of people living on the Isle of Sheppey and that's when our wonderful story began. George and Ann Wiggins had advertised in the local Post Office and the FIEC Christian magazine, inviting 'like-minded people' to meet them on a Saturday afternoon in September 1985, to see if we'd be interested in joining them in a time of prayer and to discuss what they felt about Christianity. 

There were approximately 16 of us, comprising mostly of small families. We didn't know each other. Some weren't Christians. Some had been wondering in the wilderness between churches for a while but the factor we had in common was that of a sense of restlessness or dissatisfaction. For all of us, our church experiences had been disappointing or upsetting. We weren't sure where this was taking us but as a result of that first meeting, we decided to meet again two weeks later at the Wiggin's home for informal worship. 

Led by George we kept meeting like this for a couple of months and a few more people joined us. We soon came to the conclusion that we needed more space. So we rented Leysdown's tired village hall, which was set among seaside holiday camps; an array of fish-n-chip shops, cafes and arcades.

Growing numbers 

The numbers continued to grow and in September 1986 an American couple with their four children put their heads around the door and asked if they could come in. They'd joined the mission field and were living in a small bungalow up on the cliffs. Their first assignment was to salvage a struggling Christian Book Shop no bigger than a garden shed and located on the mainland in Sittingbourne. They were also instructed to offer their services to a local Church. God was weaving together a very interesting church of people.  

Before long we decided that the village hall was not big enough. During the summer months we took the children across the road and used the bus shelter for lessons. It wasn't very satisfactory though with passing holiday makers creating a lot of distractions. The pub kindly offered us their bar-room, but that didn't work either. The new distractions were caused by two whopping great Alsatian guard dogs padding around looking menacing and the clunking and flashing of multiple slot machines, randomly kicking in and drawing on the children's concentration. What would we do in the winter we wondered? We needed a separate room for Sunday School.  

We moved to a large workmen's porter-cabin in a field. It had been sited there as a temporary community hall for a recently built housing estate. The children poured out of the estate and very quickly we had 40 children and several teenagers attending Sunday School.  

An unexpected dimension to our congregation were the prison inmates on work release, who were painting the cabin at the same time as we met for church. We were warned not to speak with them, but when the guards disappeared to the pub, they'd stop their work and listen to our services. Pretty soon they were making prayer requests and we saw God answer some of them too.

We held our first Carol/Nativity presentation that Christmas and the turn-out was phenomenal. We got permission for the inmates to attend and they in turn invited their families. As a thank you they made us a cross and a little offering box made out of matchsticks. Needless to say, the offering box quickly 'vanished' but we still have the matchstick cross on the wall.

The blizzards

January 1986 was the year that most of the country remembers being hit by severe blizzards. For us at the eastern end of the Island, travel was impossible. Twenty-foot snow drifts separated us from civilisation and brought down the power lines too. The army eventually dug us out about 10 days later.  

For us it was an exciting diversion. Everyone pitched in to help the elderly and farmers distributed bread and potatoes. There were no roads visible, therefore no traffic! Instead, a magnificent array of snowmen peppered the landscape. For our Florida friends, the Veldbooms, it was a disaster. Their bungalow seriously leaked snow and they didn't possess warm and appropriate clothing or footwear! Eventually, we helped them resolved these problems - except for footwear. No one had boots big enough for Don or their son Paul, so they had to resort to wearing carrier bags over their trainers!

New property  

Yet again, we needed to improve our church accommodation. We were spending too much valuable time creating a worshipful atmosphere each Sunday and the rent had doubled! Ann Wiggins recalled working as an office junior for Gilbert Kirby, who was now chairman of the Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion. So, she wrote to him asking for help for our fledgling Church. In response three trustees visited us and, to cut a long story short, they told us to find a property and they would buy it. The God-incidence of this was that the Connexion had recently sold two properties and the money wasn't ring-fenced. We'd already spotted two units in a little shopping parade. Our side comprised a fish-n-chip shop with all the frying equipment and a second-hand furniture shop which smelt of musty furniture.

There was a tremendous amount of work needed to transform this building into a place of worship for our Lord. Were the Hebrews as excited when they made the Tabernacle?  Were the masons as euphoric as they chipped away at the stones for Canterbury Cathedral?  It would take many chapters to detail the work we did - the practical gifts and meals, delivered by those who cooked better than they laid bricks, and the outrageous bargains we sourced to create what we have today. Every detail, from the ceiling to the floor, were blessing from God. However, the biggest blessing was the connection we made with our community, the love for one another that grew out of working for the Lord and the hilarious laughter as we laboured into the night. There are so many things that have happened over the years since then; what is recorded here is now only remembered by a few - but still too precious to be forgotten. 

Lasting friendships and memories

To this day we have treasured a firm personal friendship with the Veldboom's. They returned to the States after their three years of duty. A testimony to their serving hearts is the memory of them painting the church walls right up to the day before they left us. Since then, they have been instrumental in arranging occasional mission team visits from the US to help us in various outreach projects. 

Pastors have come and moved on. Peter and Joe were home-grown from within the congregation, but the man with the vision was George Wiggins. A modest man, much loved by those who remember him, now resting in the arms of Christ. We look forward to meeting him one day and remembering all the adventures we shared.

One of the overriding factors in the development of Sheppey Church was that each time we moved or changed our practices, it was borne out of a sense of dissatisfaction (a burr under our saddles). The lesson we've learned is that although God is unchanging, His intentions are to change and refine us into His image.  

Brenda Riddle

Sheppey Evangelical Church 

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