Serving the Community

At the heart of Rosedale's outreach programme lies a desire to engage with and serve the people around them in Cheshunt.
Rosedale Community Church is a lively, family friendly environment, led by Pastor, Bethany Green (pictured) and a strong and enthusiastic team. The church has a welcoming feel with an open style of praise and worship, and runs a variety of groups to suit a range of ages and interests.
Rosedale Groups
Butterfly Babes is a baby and toddler group that meets every Monday morning for a cup of tea, snacks for the little ones and play and rhyme time for all.
No Limits is a youth group enables the church's young people to come together in friendship to share ideas and take part in activities.
Young at Heart is a group that is popular with the 'slightly older' members. They get together every Wednesday afternoon to take part in quizzes and craft sessions, listen to invited speakers and enjoy some trips out. Young at Heart meetings are open to everyone, and there is always a plentiful supply of tea, coffee and biscuits.
Men's Prayer Breakfast is on the first Saturday of every month at a local cafe, where men from the church get together for an informal prayer meeting, bolstered by a full English breakfast - or a slice of toast!
Also close to Rosedale's heart are the number of missions they support. Being a Connexion church, they have strong links with Sierra Leone. In addition they support the work of Tearfund and Open Doors through prayer and donations.
Church Services and Sermons
Sunday Services are held at the church for worship at 10.30am, followed by Evening Prayers via zoom at 7pm.
Sermons are recorded each week and posted up on Rosedale's YouTube Page, which allows people to listen in when it suits them best.
All in all Rosedale is a great place to be! To find out more about this friendly, vibrant church visit their website at: Rosedale Community Church