Teach us Friendship

Tony Derrett, one of the Elders at Mortimer West End Chapel, writes this week about the value of friendship.
Do you have any real friends? By that I mean, a friend who sticks closer than a brother or sister. Someone who turns up to help you when you are in need.
In my life, the friends I've had seem to have largely come and gone. At school, then at college, then in the workplace and even in previous churches I've attended. They were friends for a season and that was ok, I guess. All part of my training in growing up?
One way to spot a real friend - I define this as someone who really cares for you - is when their love for you is unconditional. They don't just ring you up asking to borrow something from you. They are not being nice to you because you're in the same 'club' as them and share the same interests.
Their friendship towards you is not dependent on your attendance to an event they invited you to. You can 'let them down' and they still love you.
Once, in my short life a friend rang me to ask me how I was out of the blue. I nearly fell off my chair!
God's Invitations
In the first two of our 'Invitations' posted on the notice board at the back of the Chapel, God is inviting us to know Him better.
This week, as I was thinking about friendship and discussing it with my wife Judy, I had a wave of revelation about my friendship with God. Something that I've known for a long time but it came stronger and deeper to me this time around.
Psalm 146: 3 says 'do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save'. Jesus in John 2: 24-25 does not entrust himself to the 'many people who saw his miraculous signs'. 'He didn't need man's testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man'. Basically, you can't trust a human being 100%. They are flawed and will eventually let you down at some point. So don't get upset when this happens to you.
On the other hand, we have a relationship with a God who says we are His friends. This friendship is eternal. With someone who will never let you down. It's the most amazing, intimate and wonderful thing that could ever happen to a human being. To be friends with God. An Outrageous Love!
Another wonderful thing about this relationship is that as it develops God teaches us how to be a true friend like He is. As we hang out with God, His divine friendship starts to rub off on us and we catch hold of this aspect of His nature and likewise become empowered to be friends to those around us. Our friendships go deeper and become more intimate, in tandem with our relationship to God.
So, this week my prayer for us as a small but significant part of His Great Church Body is – 'Lord please teach us friendship'.