Easter Family Celebration

At the weekend Bolney Village Chapel (BVC) switched their usual Sunday morning service for an afternoon Easter Family Celebration.
About 40 adults and children came and enjoyed a variety of craft activities, including making Easter gardens and decorating biscuits, before a short all-age service. The family event finished with an Easter egg hunt followed by hot dogs and cup cakes.
BVC were delighted to see so many people there including several families from their parent and toddler group.
Who are you not reaching?
It is the second family celebration BVC has held, prompted by a challenging question from the Connexion Conference speaker, John McGinley. In his bookThe Church of Tomorrow, John asks‘Who are you not reaching?’
For BVC the answer to this question was young families.
John’s suggestion is that if you’re not reaching a particular group with your current activities then maybe you need to do something different...
Simple but true.
The new activities held so far have successfully proved John’s point. BVC is looking forward to the next family event in the summer and reaching more people!.