What's New?

Week of Seeking God

Mortimer West End Chapel are holding a special Week of Seeking God from Monday 8 to Sunday 14 January. During the week, church members will come together to pray for guidance for the New Year and how the church can best fulfil His work.

Schedule for the week

MORNINGS - Prayer & Reading on Zoom, 6-7am, Monday to Friday. (Zoom: 732 7350 3336, MWEC).

NOON - Worship in the Chapel from Noon-1pm, Monday to Friday.

EVENINGS - Prayer & Reading in the Chapel, 7-9pm, Monday to Friday. The evening sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be Zoomed. (Zoom: 732 7350 3336, MWEC).

24 HOURS - Prayer in the Chapel from Friday 12 January. 7pm The kick-off will be on Friday from 7-9pm, followed by 11 two-hour sessions, ending at 7pm Saturday 13 January.



To draw near to God individually and as a Chapel Family.

To give space to listen to God and room for Him to work in our hearts.

To receive wisdom, revelation and direction regarding how to best carry out His mission this year, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

To find out more about Mortimer West End Chapel visit their website