New role at The Chapel

William McCann, has enjoyed settling into his new role as Elder at The Chapel, Mortimer West End, joining the team with John Moate and Tony Derrett.
William is originally from New York, has been in the UK for three years working with Bromley Town Church, in London with his wife Clare and their four young girls. In response to much prayer, The Chapel received clear guidance from God about the direction they should take for the church, and William is excited to be a part of this. The Chapel’s culture is firmly embedded in the Word and the Holy Spirit, centred on relationships with Jesus and each other.
Read below, William's latest update (24 October):
Staying positive in a negative world
Someone has forgotten to tell the Cosmos and Nasturtiums in our garden that winter is around the corner. Maybe global warming or they are just late starters. The Cosmos is budding the Nasturtiums are growing out of … the grating by the back door! So, it's not only a late starter but it's also growing against the odds too!
I know how they feel. I'm a late starter and at times it looked like I didn't know where I was going. It's just taken a wee while for what has been deposited in me to work a way out through as I follow the Lord and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said it was good that He goes away and now I know why. It was so you and I could have the Holy Spirit and He would lead into all truth.
We are all 'a work in progress' and I know I won't be a fully completed work until I meet my Messiah face to face. Meanwhile, at least I can enjoy the journey and it's getting better by the day. Am I allowed to enjoy being a Christian? To be part of a brilliant church which is only going to get better with a great and diverse leadership team of equals at the helm? Of course, we will need to be on our guard against pride but I don't think we need to sweat about it. Just keep our eyes on Jesus who is more real than the world we see around us.
The world is a very negative place but we don't need to be like that. Paul the apostle is our example of positivity. He'd been scourged 5x39 times by the Jews, 3x beaten with rods, 1x stoned and left for dead (but got up again!), 3x shipwrecked, a day and night adrift at sea, etc. etc. Yet he could say he did not faint and even though his outward man was perishing his inner man was being renewed day by day and all his troubles were but a temporary 'light affliction'! Why? He was looking at that which was unseen, rather than what he saw with his natural eyes. He had his eyes on what is eternal. He was imagining what lied ahead and the rewards that awaited him in heaven. That's how we too can be positive in a negative world.
William McCann
The Chapel has also been busy planning events and activities for the coming weeks:
31 October - Light Party for Kids and Youth
4 November - Bonfire Night
10 November - Ladies Paint and Sip Night
12 November - Remembrance Sunday
9 December - Wreath Making Workshop
16 December - Turkey Burger, Reindeer trail and Carols by the Fire
To find out more about these events and The Chapel services, which can be joined via Zoom, click here to visit their website.