New Hailsham Elders

A special Church Meeting was held at Hailsham Gospel Mission (HGM) on Saturday 23 September to appoint Dave Sweetman and Martin Brown as Elders of the church.
Rev Simon Allaby, one of The Connexion trustees, was in attendance and conducted a short service, at the end of which the new Elders were anointed with oil, with the church family gathered round, laying hands, and praying for God’s blessing on them.
This is a very exciting next step for the church, which is full of life and vision and seeking to reach out to those around.
It is a joy to see the physical improvements to the building with lots of new decoration and the foyer being transformed into a café area.
From Thursday 5 October the church will be open every Thursday and Friday morning, providing free refreshments and a warm welcome to all who wish to come.
We pray that God will continue to bless Dave and Martin, and provide a bright new future for HGM.