New Horizons for The Chapel!

The Chapel at Mortimer West End are delighted to share the news that William McCann will be joining the eldership team with John Moate and Tony Derrett.
William has already taken up residence in The Chapel’s manse, with his wife Clare and their four children, and will officially begin his post as residential elder on 14 August.
William’s recruitment is the latest part of The Chapel’s development plan for the church leadership team, which currently includes five members. In addition, the church has an inspirational preaching team, supported by three worship teams and a number of regular guest speakers.
The Chapel’s culture is firmly embedded in the Word and the Holy Spirit. Everything the church does is centred on relationships with Jesus and each other. As John Moate says, 'We don’t do religion, we do relationships!'
William, who is originally from up-state New York, has been in the UK for three years working with Bromley Town Church, in London with his English wife Clare and their four young girls. He is currently visiting his family in the US, before taking up the new ministry role.
In response to much prayer, The Chapel has received clear guidance from God over recent years about the direction they should take. Following the Holy Spirit's leading has at times been a roller coaster ride, but over the past 12 months, the church has been carried along on a wave that has left little time for formality!
The eldership team liken the experience to Nicodemus’ words: ‘The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.’ In addition to God's blessing and guidance, their progress pays dividends to the team effort involved: faithfulness, generosity, kindness and devotion to the Lord, together with plain hard work from a congregation who have played an integral role in taking them to where they now are.
Alleluia to that!
To find out more about The Chapel visit their website.
Image shows John Moate with Tony Derrett, Elders at The Chapel