What's New?

Big things for Us!

The Countess Free Church is a Connexion church in Ely with big ambitions to strengthen community and encourage discipleship.

Karl Relton, Minister, describes CFC, ‘As a people called together to be a local church, we try to be attentive to the Spirit’s leading, ready to pioneer to new places and ministries. Sometimes this involves listening to and speaking into the culture around us. We reach out, sensitively yet confidently, telling about Jesus through what we say and do. We are about forming community, working like an extended family that is glad to invite others in. We look to nurture faith in all ages, newcomers and the older and wiser.’


Big things for us!

CFC's mission, 'Big things for us as a church' focuses on three key areas:

Church is People – walking together with Jesus in his mission

Discipleship Matters – take responsibility for your own walk and share your walk with others

Engaging with Community – with an open and generous attitude

  • Encouraging each person to be actively involved, inviting people to volunteer early on
  • Valuing children, their exploration and their own expressions of faith
  • Encouraging individuals to take seriously their spiritual rhythms and life, paying attention to their gifts and calling
  • Encouraging each person to be accountable, within prayer partnerships
  • Fostering a mentoring and apprenticeship culture and recognising that we are all learners
  • Developing leadership abilities across all members
  • Valuing our engagement with the community, which happens in diverse ways
  • Looking to minister to people right where they are at

The Countess Free Church is based in 10 Chapel Street, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 1AD

Visit their website to find out more information about the church and community: https://www.countessely.co.uk