Voice - Spring 2021
Another great issue of The Voice covers a wide range of topics to keep you informed and entertained!
The spring edition includes reports and updates from the Sierra Leone Mission, including news from Bethesda Childrens' Home and the new Health Centre at Brama, which is making excellent progress.
There's a Bible Study from Nigel Gordon-Potts at Goring Free Church, a message from Simon Allaby at Bolney Chapel Throwing the nets on the other side! and a 'glimpse' of the young Selina, the Countess of Huntingdon, and the Chapel of the Holy Trinity at Stauton Harold, where she attended as a young girl, by Robert Webb.
Paul Woodbridge outlines details of Pastoral Support, provided to our Ministers, and Ben Quant gives us an insight into the role of our Trustees, with a request to join the team!
Click on the link below to read in full - and enjoy!