What's New?

Reaching out at Zion

Despite not being able to open their doors during Lockdown periods, Zion Community Church in St Ives have come up with a range of initiatives to continue to engage and support their local communities.

Online Quiz Nights

Zion has been holding online Quiz Evenings to help to build a sense of community, welcome new people and generally have some fun! The evenings have been accessible to young and old, church family and guests, as well as friends and family from further afield.

Monthly Evangelistic Meetings

Once a month Zion has been hosting a visiting speaker to be interviewed online, followed by a short talk and time for Q&As. Topics discussed have ranged from "Where is God in hard times?” and “Where is history headed?” to hearing about God’s work in East Africa, featuring an online guest from Kampala.

Leaflet Distribution

Prior to the most recent lockdown, members of Zion distributed 1,000 leaflets in the local area to offer people hope and support, with advice about how they can make contact with the church if needed, either in-person or online.

The Future

Zion is currently praying and thinking through what new openings there might be once the Lockdown restrictions start to be eased. They are acutely aware that this pandemic is taking its toll on people in many different ways. Their collective aim is to serve their neighbours, one another and the Lord.

For more information about Zion Community Church, visit their website