20/20 Vision from St Ives

The 20/20 vision of our local Peninsula Gospel Partnership is to see a Christ-centered, Bible-teaching, people-loving church available to every community in Devon & Cornwall. At Zion Community Church in St Ives, this is our vision too.
Turning the Tide
Turning the Tide (TTT) is an initiative launched in the Spring of last year with the goal of seeing our church established in the next 3 years. That means we are looking to the Lord to be a church of 30 people in 3 years time, self-sufficient financially and further able to make an impact with the gospel in St. Ives and West Cornwall. So far we have been hugely encouraged by the support we have received and with encouragements from the Lord.
Please pray Psalm 90:17 with us: May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us - yes, establish the work of our hands
Gospel Outreach
Wyatt Gwin heads up Emmanuel & Associates based out of Atlanta and through a mutual friend he got in touch to see if they could bring a mission team to us, once a year, for the next three years. Obviously we would be delighted to host and receive such a team and so we are in the planning stages now trying to arrange the first team for this summer.
Please pray that the Lord would be making disciples of local people in St. Ives through this partnership in the gospel.
Jonathan Steeds
For quite a while now we have been praying for the Lord to send workers to join us (Matt. 9:38). In the Spring last year Jonathan Steeds, who has many historical links with the town and church, committed to joining us for a year. He has been and is a huge help in preaching, leading, visiting, helping out with the young people's activities and being part of the church family. We are very grateful to the Lord for him.
Please join us in thanking God for sending us a worker to join us here for this year, and for all the help Jonathan gives us.
Building Upgrades
The Lord has also provided financially for us such that we have been able to install a new audio-visual system, to replace the last one installed over 20 years ago. We hope this we enable to gospel to be heard much more clearly, and also engage our younger people in actively taking part in the services and having more visual content.
Please join us in thanking God for his provision for various upgrades to the church.
Church Family
The church family are good heart and health, and very aware of the Lord sustaining us. Sadly Steve Traylor has decided to leave the church, and so we wish him well. Our young people are full of energy and enthusiasm and continue to be an encouragement to us.
Please pray for us to be faithful gospel witnesses in St. Ives and that the Lord might use us to be a lasting witness both in St. Ives and West Cornwall.
Regional Instability
We feel our need to be in the town more than ever. The current movements within Methodism nationally are creating a real storm for faithful methodists here in West Cornwall, in addition to the normal challenges some local churches are facing. We long to be a lasting, faithful, vibrant witness to the gospel here. (Map Data © 2020 Google).
Please pray for the gospel to bear fruit and grow in St. Ives and West Cornwall.
Visiting St Ives
If you are going to be in St Ives in 2020, we'd love to see you, please do drop into the bookshop, or to our main morning service at 10:45 on Sundays.
With our love
Tim Dennick and the members of Zion