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Christmas and shoe bags, Sierra Leone

News from Sierra Leone reports that the children from Bethesda Orphanage and The Connexion schools and churches had a very enjoyable Christmas and were delighted with their shoe bag gifts.


stmarks waitingshoebags

Pictured above are children inside St Marks Church in Waterloo - waiting for their shoe bags...

stmarks shoebags

... before going outside to receive them!

And below are the children from Ebenezer Manallo, looking equally pleased to receive their bags.

ebenezer manallo shoebags

Finally, please click on the link below to receive a 'We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year' message from the children at Bethesda Orphanage. The recording is slightly pixelated and a bit jumpy, but very fine to see and hear!

Bethesda Video Christmas morning


On behalf of the children in Sierra Leone, please may we pass on very many thanks to the amazing Connexion community and volunteers who make it possible for them to receive these treats on Christmas Day.