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Pastors Retreat - Sierra Leone

The Connexion pastors in Sierra Leone were able to enjoy their annual retreat in December at a luxurious resort, The Makambo in Makeni City. In usual circumstances the centre would have been off limits, due to its cost, but they were granted an extremely generous discount of 30%.

Magnus Bendu said: ‘It was my aim to let our ministers stay in a very decent and comfortable place this year and God answered my prayers. Many of our Ministers are from very remote villages like myself, and having the comfort of sleeping in a room with a TV and air conditioning is a once in a lifetime luxury!’

The retreats provide a valuable opportunity for ministers to come together for reflection, discussion, worship and prayer, and also take time out to rest and re-charge their batteries. 

Magnus sends his thanks to The Connexion community for their prayers and support, which contributed to making this retreat a very special event.  




If you would like to contribute towards the important work of The Connexion both in the UK and in Sierra Leone, please click on Donations at the top of the web page. All donations, no matter how small, are of huge value to enable us to continue the legacy of the Countess of Huntingdon.