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Back to school Sierra Leone

Brama School, Sierra Leone, received a new coat of paint over the summer and was made secure for the school holiday period. The children returned for the new school year in September, and thanks are given for the children at Bethesda Centre, who all passed their June exams and have been able to move up into the next class. 

In October, Sunday School teacher training has also begun for between 50 and 60 participants. The trainees, who will be committing 49 hours of study over eight weekends, come from various backgrounds and have different educational levels, including some with few or no literacy skills. Prayers are requested for their successful completion of the training and that they prove to be of great value to the children they instruct.

During the rainy season in Sierra Leone, which extended into September, there was much flooding in Freetown. Many people lost their homes and belongings and some tragically lost their lives.

Prayers continue for the safety of the communities and a halt to the problematic mudslides. In particular for the Government to act wisely concerning the deforestation on the mountains and legislation to prevent people from building near waterways that are liable to flooding

sl painting securing building   sl sundayschool training

Pictures feature a group of children coming back to school for the new year (main), repainting and securing the school building (above left), and the new class of Sunday School teaching trainees (above right).

We continue to support the work of our churches in Sierra Leone through contributing to ministers’ wages, providing funding for ministerial training, and building and maintaining churches. We also support care and education through the Bethesda Orphanage and The Connexion’s schools, helping with teachers’ salaries and teacher training. When necessary, we help to restore homes damaged during unrest, and can assist in times of emergency or urgent need. Should you wish to donate to this ongoing work, please click on Donations and go to the Sierra Leone fundraising section.