What's New?

The Connexion Community enjoy the Conference!

There was a lot to smile about at this year's Connexion Conference. The sun was shining, skies were blue and it was a great chance for the whole Connexion family, of all ages from 18 of our churches, to get together in a beautiful setting for friendship, teaching, worship and fun. A fine time was definitely had by all!

The programme included News from our Connexion Churches - with a "Connectional Speed Dating" twist, Mission Marketplace, showcasing our Churches' outreach work over the past year, news and trip reports from the Sierra Leone Mission, a General (and not so general!) Knowledge Quiz and periods of prayer and worship.

The smaller children formed a spiritual 'army' complete with costumes and props and the Youth Conference packed in a whole host of activities into the three days, including some paddle-boating on the river.



We were were delighted to welcome Dr Michael Quicke who inspired and entertained us all with his wisdom and teaching on the important subjects of Welcoming, Supporting and Networking.


Dates have already been set for next year: 14 to 16 April 2020. So put them in your diary now!

morning service

The morning service and worship was enjoyed by all family members and included contributions from the younger children and Youth Conference who had been involved in a wide variety of activities and projects.


The three-day conference was packed with opportunities to learn about mission work throughout the UK and overseas, and also to take some time out to relax and enjoy coffee, cake and a chat with friends and colleagues - in the garden room and outside on High Leigh's lovely terraces!
