What's New?

2019 Conference

The 2019 Connexion Conference and Youth Conference take place from Monday 15th to Wednesday 17th April at High Leigh in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire.

International Speaker

We look forward to welcoming Keynote Speaker, Dr Michael Quicke, who will be preaching on the theme of Welcoming, Supporting and Networking. Michael is Emeritus Professor of Preaching at Northern Seminary in the USA, having previously held two Baptist UK pastorates in Blackburn and Cambridge, and the post of Principle at Spurgeon’s Bible College (1993-2000). He is the author of award-winning books on preaching and an international speaker. 

What's On

There will be a chance to hear from The Connexion Trustees and the Sierra Leone Mission, as well as opportunities for worship and prayer.  

Other highlights include a new look News from the Churches, Mission Market Place and also Connexional Speed Dating!

Families Welcome

Families as always are very welcome and there will again be Children’s Work covering many of the sessions. We are also welcoming Youth Conference again this year so that our whole Connexional Family can be together at High Leigh in order to join in the Quiz on Tuesday evening. 

How to Book

Click on the links below for the Conference Booking form and an outline of the planned programme. The deadline for bookings is Friday 22 March 2019.

Payment can be made by bank transfer to make it is easier to secure your place, and cheques are still welcome if you prefer. 

We look forward to seeing you there!


2019 Conference Booking Form

2019 Conference Planned Programme