Enjoying the Conference!
Members of the Connexion community have enjoyed coming together again for the 2021 Conference. Having been cancelled twice due to the Covid pandemic, this has made it an even more special event!
The Connexion Conference is the main event of the year for our church members to share in worship, prayer and teaching. It creates a wonderful opportunity for the people who form our network of 22 churches to keep in touch and make new friendships.
This year we were delighted to welcome John McGinley as the Key Speaker. Over the three days John’s teaching embraced the theme of 'An Unchanging Gospel in a Changing World'
The three sessions included 'Everything has changed: understanding our missional context', 'Nothing has changed: the call to make disciples' and 'Making changes: restoring missional confidence'.
John led Holy Trinity Church in Leicester for 11 years, where he oversaw the development of missional communities and church planting teams. He then went on to take on new challenges as Head of Church Planting Development for New Wine and the Development Enabler for the Archbishop’s College of Evangelists.
John is the author of Mission Shaped Grace and Mission Shaped Living, which voice his desire to equip people to be confident disciples, who inspire others to become new disciples of Jesus.
In addition to John’s teaching the Conference agenda included prayer groups and family worship, reports from the Trustees and news updates from the Sierra Leone Mission – which is a passion rooted in every member's heart.
Paul Woodbridge led a special 'Pastor to the Pastors' session the enable our ministers to share news and ideas between churches and our youth and young children were fully occupied with group activities.
Free time gave everyone a chance to catch up with old friends over a cup of coffee and some delicious cakes, and the Countess Maze after-dinner entertainment on Tuesday offered a challenging (and likely amusing) variation on the popular Crystal Maze TV series.
We look forward to receiving some photos and hearing more news following the event – and look ahead to the next Conference in 2022!