What's New?

Church Tapestry

As we are making preparations and looking forward to the next Connexion Annual Conference, it is lovely to look back to the beautiful tapestry, which was presented at the Conference in 2000.

Members from each of The Connexion’s 22 churches featured in the work, took a great deal of time and effort to create a needlepoint picture of their own church. 

The colours and textures illustrate the church buildings with remarkable accuracy, and when brought together as a complete tapestry they look stunning!

Dates for your diary

Last year’s Conference had excellent attendance and was a hugely enjoyable affair. We are hoping next year’s will be equally good – if not even better! 

Dates for the Annual Conference 2020 are Tuesday 14 to Thursday 16 April 2020. The booking form will be posted on the website in the New Year, with an Early Bird booking discount before the end of February, but don’t forget to put the dates in your diary now!